Station 9: A Gift For The King
Transcript: Around that time, far away in the East, three clever men saw the bright star that God had put in the sky when Jesus was born. They had been waiting for this star and knew exactly what it meant: The King they had been waiting for had been born! (I am sure if you’d been there, you would have heard them laughing and dancing and singing until the sun came up!)
At dawn, they packed up their camels and wrapped gifts for the baby. They all brought their most precious treasures of all: Frankincense, gold, and myrrh. Special, sparkly, lovely-smelling, gleaming things -- just right for a King! They rode their camels, across deserts, up steep, steep mountains, down into deep, deep valleys, through raging rivers, over grassy plains, night and day, and day and night, for hours that turned into days, that turned into weeks, that turned into months and months, until at last, they reached… the baby King.
The three men knelt before the little King. They took off their rich royal turbans and gleaming, golden crowns. They bowed their noble heads to the ground and gave Jesus their sparkling treasures.
This baby King was the prince of Heaven, who had become poor so that you and I could experience the riches of Heaven.
This baby King was the Mighty God, who had become helpless so that we could be helped.
This baby King was the Creator of Heaven and Earth, who had come to be a servant so that you and I could have enough. Enough peace. Enough compassion. Enough food. Enough money. Enough love. Enough acceptance. Enough life. Enough everything.
While you walk to the next station, share something that you lack that you need Jesus to give you enough of.