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Station 8: Everyone’s Invited

Transcript: Who are the people that you invite to your parties? Are they important people? Are they popular people? Are they the people that can bring you the best presents or make you look important? Are they the ones that smell good and look good? 

Well, when God has a party everyone's invited. Even people who don’t smell good, aren’t popular, or who other people don’t think are very important. Because God loves everyone no matter all that stuff. 

Do you know who the first people God wanted to come and meet Jesus to celebrate his birthday? A raggedy, poor, smelly, old bunch of shepherds! See, in those days, people used to laugh at shepherds and say they were smelly and call them other rude names (which I can’t possibly mention here). People thought shepherds were nobodies, just scruffy old riff-raff. 

But God must have thought shepherds were very important indeed because they’re the ones God chose first to tell about the awesome gift of Jesus. If anyone needed to hear there was going to be enough for everyone in this new world, it was them! 

That night, some shepherds were out in the open fields, warming themselves by the campfire, when suddenly they turned around. Standing in front of them was a huge warrior of light, blazing in the darkness. 

“Don’t be afraid of me!” the bright shining man said, “I haven’t come to hurt you. I’ve come to bring you happy news for everyone everywhere. Today, in David’s town, in Bethlehem, God’s Son has been born! He is going to be King of a new Kingdom where anyone who is broken will be healed! Anyone who is hungry will be fed! Anyone who is lonely can belong! Anyone who is worried can be comforted!” 

“You can go and see him, He is sleeping in a manger!” And in the next instant, a choir of angels appeared all singing a beautiful song, “Glory to God! To God be Fame and Honor and all our Hoorays!” 

Then as quickly as they appeared, the angels left. The shepherds stamped out their fire, left their sheep, raced down the grassy hill, through the gates of Bethlehem, down the narrow cobbled streets, until they reached the stable. 

When they caught their breath, they quietly tiptoed inside and knelt on the dirt floor. This was God’s great gift that would return the world to the way it was supposed to be from the beginning, sleeping in his mother’s arms. It meant that even for the shepherds there was enough room at the table, enough love, enough belonging. 

While you walk to the next station, share about a time when you didn’t feel like you belonged or were not included. Then remind each other or yourself that there is enough room in God’s kingdom for you.