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Station 7: The Darkness Became Brighter

Transcript: That same night, among the other stars, a bright new star appeared. Of all the stars in the dark vaulted heavens, this one shone clearer. It blazed in the night and made the other stars look pale beside it. 

God placed it in the sky when his baby Son was born to be like a spotlight-- shining on him. Lighting up the darkness. Showing people a new thing was happening. God couldn’t wait for the whole world to know about the gift God had given. God had been waiting all these long years for this moment, and now God wanted to tell the world!

This baby would be like that bright star shining in the night. A light to light up the whole world. Chasing away darkness. Helping people to see. Helping people hope. And the darker the night got, the brighter the star would shine. 

While you walk to the next station, share about a dark or difficult place in your life right now that you need God’s shining light to give you hope and help you see.