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Station 6: There Might Not Be Enough

Transcript: Sure enough, it was just as the angel had said. Nine months later, Mary was almost ready to have her baby. Now, Mary, and her husband Joseph, had to take a trip to Bethlehem, the town King David was from. But when they reached the little town, they found every room was full. Every bed was taken. “Go away!” The innkeepers told them. “There isn’t any place for you!” 

Where would they stay? Soon Mary’s baby would come. In that moment it seemed like the promise of enough wasn’t going to come true. Until out of the corner of their eye they spotted an old, tumbledown stable. And that’s where God planned to enter into the world. 

In the place where the cows and the donkeys and the sheep stayed, in the quiet of the night, God gave the world a wonderful gift-- God’s self in the form of a baby. And this baby would change the world.

Mary and Joseph wrapped him up to keep him warm. They made a soft bed of straw and used the animals’ feeding trough as his cradle. And they gazed in wonder at God’s great gift, wrapped in swaddling clothes, and lying in a manger. Mary and Joseph named him Jesus, “Emmanuel” -- which means “God has come to live with us.” And they had all that they needed. 

While you walk to the next station, share about a time when it seemed like there wouldn’t be enough of something (cake, candy, toys, time, money) but somehow God provided.