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Station 5: He’s Coming!

Transcript: Finally, everything was ready. The moment God had been waiting for was here. God was coming to show and teach us that God could be trusted to provide more than enough of everything we needed. Now, if you were trying to show the world the generosity of God, you might try to become really really rich and give everything away. But God had a different plan. Instead, God became really really poor. 

In the middle of a country that wasn’t very nice to live in, where people were losing their land and their families to debt and poverty, an angel announced to a poor girl named Mary that she would be the one that would bring a new gift into the world. 

At first, Mary was frightened. But the angel explained that this gift would be a baby boy that she was to name Jesus. He would be God’s own son that has come to make Earth more like the abundant party of Heaven. 

The God who flung planets into space and kept them whirling around and around, the Almighty who made the universe with just a word, the Supreme King who dwelt in the riches of heaven, the one who could do anything at all-- was making himself small. And coming… as a baby???

But Mary trusted God more than what her eyes could see. “I am God’s servant,” she said. “Whatever God says, I will trust.” 

While you walk to the next station, share about the most recent small baby you have held or played with. Why would a powerful and mighty king want to become a baby?