Station 3: A Promise: The Party Will Come Again
Transcript: But God loved us too much to let us live in a broken Earth where everyone was fighting all the time because they were scared there wasn’t enough. God wanted humans to experience the abundant party of Heaven here on Earth again! And God had a plan to make it happen!
God chose one family-- the family of Abraham-- and promised to give them the abundance that God wanted for everyone else. God promised to provide everything Abraham's family needed. All they had to do was trust God to give it to them. And God said that if they trusted, Abraham’s family would have enough not just for them, but the whole world. The whole world would experience God’s generosity through Abraham’s family.
But that’s not what happened. Abraham’s descendants, the Israelites, entered a land of abundance and quickly forgot the God who gave it to them. They acted like it was all theirs and like there was not enough. It led to war and Israel’s self-destruction. Once again, the abundant party was ruined.
But God didn’t give up. God promised that someday someone would come from Abraham’s family that would create a way for all people to experience God’s generosity. It would be God himself!!! One day, God would lay down all the riches of heaven, take on the poverty of humanity (meaning God was going to become a human), and come to earth. God would bring the riches of Heaven with him so everyone would be able to experience God’s abundance. God wanted to turn the world into a place where there was enough once again. And God knew it could only happen if God did it. Once God was on earth, nothing could stop it! And the people couldn’t wait!
While you walk to the next station, share about a time when a promise took forever to come true.