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Station 2: The Party Turned Into a Fight

Transcript: Now imagine that you were at a really great party-- filled with all the best food, games, drinks, people! You were having the best time ever! 

But then, and all of a sudden, some of the guests started acting a little strange. A few people took all the chips and popcorn and fancy finger foods into one of the bedrooms and wouldn’t let anyone else have any! Then, another group of people grabbed all the cookies, cake, and candy into the bathroom because they were worried they wouldn’t have enough for themselves! Then, since there was so little left, another group of people took all the drinks into the kitchen and stood guard around it! They were afraid that if they didn’t take what they could get, there would be nothing left. 

The abundant party that had been generously provided by the party host, turned into a fearful fight between all the guests. No one had what they needed and everyone was scared there wouldn’t be enough.

Now this sounds strange, but the Bible tells us that this kind of what has happened here on Earth. Although the world was created like a big abundant party, a lie was spoken by the enemy (Genesis 3) that turned the fancy and abundant party into a fearful fight. 

It was a lie that said that God could not be trusted, that God was keeping the best for God’s self, that the only way to get what you really needed was to hold on to whatever you could grab for yourself. And this lie turned God’s abundant world into a dark place of war and starvation and death. 

It is the reason why humans fight over things like toys, food, money, land, and lots of other things. We are afraid there might not be enough for ourselves! When we believe this lie, we live with the fear that there isn’t going to be enough-- not enough money, love, food, toys, enjoyment, safety, opportunity, years, or life. It has made this world look nothing like Heaven and more like the Earth that we know. And it isn’t very fun. 

While you walk to the next station share about a time when you were about to do something really fun, but something got in the way.