Step Into The Story of Good Friday
Journey through the last week of Christ's life based on the events in the gospel of John. Hear the story of Jesus entering Jerusalem, his last vulnerable moments with his disciples, his trial and arrest, death and burial. As you listen to this narrative and visually creative retelling, hear the familiar stories imbued with significance for listeners 2000 years later.
We invite you to listen, but also participate in reflection and communion by having a juice and bread available.
Step Into The Story of Christmas
This is not your traditional Christmas story. Christmas is retold through the lens of God's desire for all humankind to experience God's is generosity and provision as we did at the beginning of Creation. By the end of your journey, we are hoping that you will be reminded that because of Jesus, God is enough.
This experience is targeted for a whole family to enjoy. However, it is good enough to be enjoyed by individual adults and couples.
Church At The Table
Church At The Table is an opportunity gather your family and close friends around your table to reflect and celebrate what God has done in the previous year and dream about what is to come. This service is highly interactive, with plenty of promts to meditate on and share your experiences from the last year and hopes for the next year.
Reading Plans
Isaiah Reading Plan
A 6-week reading plan through the book of Isaiah.
The people of God had failed to keep their human commitment outlined in the covenants to Abraham, Israel, and David, so the city will come to ruin! BUT-- there is hope! Isaiah is called to deliver a message of hope to the people: salvation will come out of the ruins. As the people of God, we too are called to deliver that same message: There is hope beyond the ruin.
Mark Reading Plan
A 5-week reading plan through the book of Mark. This is the perfect follow-up to the Isaiah reading plan.
The prophet Isaiah keeps reminding the Israelites that God has not forgotten them. A Messiah is coming. Redemption is coming. Hope is coming. The gospel of Mark tells us the rest of that amazing story.
In our current culture that is filled with “messiahs” who promise to bring healing to our broken world, Mark reminds us of the one Messiah who can actually deliver on that promise.
Advent reading plan
A 5-week reading plan through the Advent season.
As God’s people were about to head into exile, God delivered hope through a promise. Someday, this will all be over—a King would come who would make all things new. Christmas celebrates the hope that God sent Jesus to fulfill that promise and rescue creation once and for all. Knowing that God has kept His promises in the past gives us hope that God will continue keeping His promises in the future.
Listen Practices
Sometimes life can feel like you are hanging on to a merry-go-round that is speeding up faster and faster, flinging you in every direction. But in Scripture, we see Jesus pull away from the important work he was called to, to be refilled and guided by the Holy Spirit. He becomes like the kid who finds rest standing at the center of the merry-go-round, still connected to all things, but no longer working so hard to keep up. This is what it looks like when we have regular rhythms of listening to the Spirit. Praying might be new for some, so we have put together these resources to help you practice taking one period of the week listening for the Spirit’s voice.
01. Use A Timer
Set it for three minutes and talk to God about a specific prayer request. Set it for one minute and listen to God about the specific prayer request. Repeat as you move through all the prayer requests.
02. Create
Draw, sculpt, or color as you move through the requests. Allow what you create to reflect what you are asking of God and what he is speaking to you.
03. Walk
Pray as you walk. Bring the list of things that you are going to pray about. Dedicate the time walking away from home for talking to God and as you return, listen.
04. Journal
Write your prayers to God and be sure to write what he says as well.
05. Scripture
Pray scripture. Read the Psalms. Allow them to be the words of your prayer and then speak them into the prayer requests that apply.