Our Mission

We are called to love our neighbors and see them raised to life in Christ. When we do, we participate in heaven coming to earth and witnessing the establishment of the universal reign and rule of God. It is actually really exciting!



our Rule of Life

We desire to love our neighbors the same way Jesus loved people: by demonstrating and announcing that Heaven has come to Earth. Sound complicated? We have identified rhythms that can easily be incorporated into everyday life.



Our History

We are a community that believes Jesus is the Son of God, who was born, lived, and died, to redeem and restore both humanity and the world to God. If you believe this, we are apart of the same church. It’s as simple as that.




We believe every person is called to bring heaven to earth, therefore, we consider the entire church congregation to be on the Clarksburg Church “team.” However, there are a few key visionaries and leaders paving the way. Click below to learn more.