Clarksburg CAN is a partner of Clarksburg Church and provides food assistance to those living in or attending school in the 20871 zip code.


Clarksburg CAN

Local Partner

Clarksburg CAN stands for Clarksburg Community Assistance Network. Clarksburg CAN is a free supplemental community food pantry that is supported by a network of churches and organizations committed to promoting short and long-term solutions to the problem of hunger in the Clarksburg community.

SCHEDULE The pantry is open the 1st Tuesday (5-8pm) and the 1st Saturdays (9am-12pm) and this is when volunteers are most needed to help sort food and shelves, greet clients, and pack food boxes.

LOCATION Clarksburg CAN is located at Greenridge Baptist Church in Modular A Building (21925 Frederick Road, Boyds MD 20841).

SERVES Clarksburg CAN is open to all residents of the 20871 zip code and families who have a child enrolled in a school located in 20871.

CURRENT NEEDS (8/23/21) Clarksburg CAN is a 100% volunteer-run organization and is currently looking for volunteers to help up to 3 hours/month.

If you are interested in finding out more information, Clarksburg CAN will be holding an Open House at 9:00 AM on Saturday, September 11 in lower level of Greenridge Baptist Church, 21925 Frederick Road, Boyds, MD. Learn more about CCAN and see if serving might be of interest. Light refreshments provided.

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